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Category: Seasonal

  1. Mud Kitchen Play

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    Mud Kitchen Play

    The sun has appeared over the last few weeks and although it is still quite cold, I have seen an increase in outdoor play pictures. 

    Mud Kitchen Play is a great way to be outside, allowing children to use their imagination and creativity. 



    Make an Outdoor Pizza

    You can use a plate, log slice or just the patio as your pizza base, collect toegther some mud or wet sand to create a nice surface, add some pizza toppings and also sprinkle on some petals and leaves as the cheese. The Pizza Toppings Set is great for this activity but also natural items such as sticks, flowers, pebbles and shells etc. 

    Host a Party

    Children can get into the spirit of entertaining by hosting their own themed party, They could "cook" up to treats in their mud kitchen, even dress up in their theme of choice. Perhaps they will do pirates, fairytale or Italian themed with Pizza. They can make cocktails and add natural items for garnish - all make believe of course!



    Either following one of our receipe cards or making up your own, get the children to measure out the quantities and cook up some treats. You can do volumes of liquid or simply 4 leaves, 6 sticks etc. They can mix it all together and serve up. Activity good for counting, quantities, comparing measures and volumes etc. You could add in a bit of food colouring and water to create a colourful concoction. 

    Muddy Cafe

    Invite everyone over for a Muddy Cafe, take orders and make their treats on request. Children and Adults alike can enjoy seeing what is created follow their requests. 


    Potion Making 

    Become your very own Harry Potter and create wonderful potions for creative skills. You could use some of the mixture out of the Little Munchkins Botanicals to create a bit of fizz. 



  2. Travel Toys

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    Travel Toys

    It is that time of year again when we will be embarking on the summer holidays from school. Whether its a flight, train or car journey we will be travelling for day trips and the need to entertainment is required! My two are not great travellers, we listen to podcasts and stories but having a few compact and interesting toys really help.

    Here are a few suggestions of toys that are great for taking out and about: 


  3. Christmas Present Themes

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    Christmas Themes

    written by Laura

    One of my favourite things to do when giving gifts to my children is to put a few things together that fit under one theme. The Wooden Play Den makes this super easy for you by sorting toys into categories on the website and I’m going to showcase some of our favourite toys by theme here.



  4. Autumn Treasures

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    Autumn Treasures

    by Laura

    Autumn is the season of nature’s bounty: so many natural treasures can be observed and collected at this time of year. It’s the perfect time of year to get out and about and discover the changing world around us. It can be really fun to get your little ones to join you on an adventure into nature this time of year, I often find they are super little spotters, always looking for something to fill their pockets. Conkers and acorns are a real favourite for my two to collect – we love using them to aid in learning too, counting and sorting are great activities to do.

    Photo 07-10-2022, 19 35 45


  5. Winter Play

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    Winter Play

    written by Laura

    Winter can be such a magical time of year, frost, low sun shining through bare branches, cosy days warm inside. Hot Chocolates, games and the beginnings of the return of greenery and light. Equally, it can be super easy to get stuck in the dark, wet days lacking in inspiration – never ending rain, mud and dampness. There are some toys that I come back to every winter, and specific activities that I find I rely on to fill our days this time of year.
